I am honestly surprised with the quality of this couch. We got the leather one which has a really nice buttery soft leather. I LOVE the way that it looks in our space! It is also supper comfortable and supportive. The only reason I am giving it 4 stars instead of 5 is because of the shipping and handling. When we receivers the couch it was in a giant box that was falling apart. These people were not gentle with it by any means. Because of this there are a few small scuffs in the leather. this is an expensive couch (to me) and I want it looking brand new if it is brand new, ya know what I mean. Ive requested a replacement and I will update my review once it comes. Better price available for same designs
Surprisingly good quality
I am honestly surprised with the quality of this couch. We got the leather one which has a really nice buttery soft leather. I LOVE the way that it looks in our space! It is also supper comfortable and supportive. The only reason I am giving it 4 stars instead of 5 is because of the shipping and handling. When we receivers the couch it was in a giant box that was falling apart. These people were not gentle with it by any means. Because of this there are a few small scuffs in the leather. this is an expensive couch (to me) and I want it looking brand new if it is brand new, ya know what I mean. Ive requested a replacement and I will update my review once it comes. Better price available for same designs