I was a bit skeptical in purchasing an item like this online but I honestly have no regrets. I am disabled so my daughter assembled this for me. The only issue she had was finding the holes for the feet but everything else was pretty easy. Its a little on the firm side but that is to be expected for a new item like this. I still find it a bit on the comfy side. I have yet to use the pull out but we did test it out and everything worked just perfectly. Overall I am extremely happy with the purchase. Oh and the color is beautiful and looks exactly like the picture. its worth it to me!
Highly recommend
I was a bit skeptical in purchasing an item like this online but I honestly have no regrets. I am disabled so my daughter assembled this for me. The only issue she had was finding the holes for the feet but everything else was pretty easy. Its a little on the firm side but that is to be expected for a new item like this. I still find it a bit on the comfy side. I have yet to use the pull out but we did test it out and everything worked just perfectly. Overall I am extremely happy with the purchase. Oh and the color is beautiful and looks exactly like the picture. its worth it to me!