The chairs were super easy to assemble. The instructions were straight forward and easy to follow. The leather is shiny and soft. They were comfortable to sit on. They withstand weight well. The screw on bolts were provided for the legs of the chair so that the metal of the chair doesn’t ruin the flooring. The balance is just right as it doesn’t sway from side to side. They give the living room a modern vibe I love these chairs.
Classy leather chair
The chairs were super easy to assemble. The instructions were straight forward and easy to follow. The leather is shiny and soft. They were comfortable to sit on. They withstand weight well. The screw on bolts were provided for the legs of the chair so that the metal of the chair doesn’t ruin the flooring. The balance is just right as it doesn’t sway from side to side. They give the living room a modern vibe I love these chairs.