Needed a couple of sturdy simple chairs for my elderly mother. They are just that and look good as well. There were some quality control issues with one of the chairs and I let the seller know about them. They responded promptly and asked if if I would like replacement parts for the damaged ones. I was in need of the chairs quickly for mothers new apartment so I made repairs myself and told them that. They offered me a suitable discount and I am happy with that. A good seller and quick to resolve issues.
A decent pair of chairs/good customer service
Needed a couple of sturdy simple chairs for my elderly mother. They are just that and look good as well. There were some quality control issues with one of the chairs and I let the seller know about them. They responded promptly and asked if if I would like replacement parts for the damaged ones. I was in need of the chairs quickly for mothers new apartment so I made repairs myself and told them that. They offered me a suitable discount and I am happy with that. A good seller and quick to resolve issues.