Great value for the price... have purchased three now
Love this luggage. I have purchased 3 now. One for me and each of my children. Light. Easy to wheel. Sturdy and durable. I was a bit concerned how it would hold up during flights. It has held up just fine with little evidence of wear and tear. Just the perfect size for a carry on and lightweight too. The wheels swivel so easy to manage. And, I am 510 tall so the handle extension matters and it extends to my height well. Great value for the price.
Great value for the price... have purchased three now
Love this luggage. I have purchased 3 now. One for me and each of my children. Light. Easy to wheel. Sturdy and durable. I was a bit concerned how it would hold up during flights. It has held up just fine with little evidence of wear and tear. Just the perfect size for a carry on and lightweight too. The wheels swivel so easy to manage. And, I am 510 tall so the handle extension matters and it extends to my height well. Great value for the price.