It was easy to assemble. Overall its fine, but not great. Here are some of my observations. The drawer guide needs to be installed in the right direction to get it to stop in the back (saw other reviews complain of that). There arent covers for the screws on the sides, which is odd. The top is warped, but hoping it settles itself over time. Its not sturdy at all so Ill secure it to the wall. The screws for the knobs arent long enough so Ill have to find others. ALL GOOD!
Fine, but not great
It was easy to assemble. Overall its fine, but not great. Here are some of my observations. The drawer guide needs to be installed in the right direction to get it to stop in the back (saw other reviews complain of that). There arent covers for the screws on the sides, which is odd. The top is warped, but hoping it settles itself over time. Its not sturdy at all so Ill secure it to the wall. The screws for the knobs arent long enough so Ill have to find others. ALL GOOD!