First, I have to really praise the excellent customer service. The original order came with one of the sides that were damaged in transport, so we reached out to see if we could get a replacement part. We got a response the same day, and after providing a few pictures, the seller ended up sending a whole replacement unit.
Second, as for the bench itself, the quality, fit, and finish were far better than I expected. It is also very sturdy, and we can fit 6 pairs of shoes into it.
Amazing product and even better customer service
First, I have to really praise the excellent customer service. The original order came with one of the sides that were damaged in transport, so we reached out to see if we could get a replacement part. We got a response the same day, and after providing a few pictures, the seller ended up sending a whole replacement unit. Second, as for the bench itself, the quality, fit, and finish were far better than I expected. It is also very sturdy, and we can fit 6 pairs of shoes into it.