First, it’s sturdy cuz it made of bamboo. The quality is great and more better than I expected. Second, it’s easy to assemble it but it still takes me a little well to install it. Also, the color is what I want which is so nice, perfect fit for my home decorations. Third, it’s value for the money by this great quality. Generally speaking, it works as my expected and I am satisfied with it.
The quality is more better than I expected
First, it’s sturdy cuz it made of bamboo. The quality is great and more better than I expected. Second, it’s easy to assemble it but it still takes me a little well to install it. Also, the color is what I want which is so nice, perfect fit for my home decorations. Third, it’s value for the money by this great quality. Generally speaking, it works as my expected and I am satisfied with it.