These are the cutest stools. I love them, from the color to the design. The seat shape is nice as well. When extended to the fullest height though (or 3/4s up) it is wobbly and hard to keep your balance. Especially if youve been drankin. Be sure to have a counter or something to lean on. Me and my friend came home drunk and sat on them and fell over like 4 times.
Anyways, very cute though, can sit pretty good when sober. Beautiful color good quality
Cute but slightly dangerous (just like me)
These are the cutest stools. I love them, from the color to the design. The seat shape is nice as well. When extended to the fullest height though (or 3/4s up) it is wobbly and hard to keep your balance. Especially if youve been drankin. Be sure to have a counter or something to lean on. Me and my friend came home drunk and sat on them and fell over like 4 times. Anyways, very cute though, can sit pretty good when sober. Beautiful color good quality