Easy to assemble with my fiance; would definitely recommend at least 2 people for assembly. One disappointment was that the pre drilled holes did not match up with the brackets on our metal bed frame so we had to drill our own. We have a Purple Mattress queen sized bed frame. Other than that, it is definitely a sturdy bed frame that helps complete our bedroom. Love the rich espresso color. Fine quality for the price. Serves as a good first head board in our apartment before we get a nicer bedroom set when we eventually get a house. Just fine.
Had to drill our own holes
Easy to assemble with my fiance; would definitely recommend at least 2 people for assembly. One disappointment was that the pre drilled holes did not match up with the brackets on our metal bed frame so we had to drill our own. We have a Purple Mattress queen sized bed frame. Other than that, it is definitely a sturdy bed frame that helps complete our bedroom. Love the rich espresso color. Fine quality for the price. Serves as a good first head board in our apartment before we get a nicer bedroom set when we eventually get a house. Just fine.