I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. Love the item for the price. I was expecting it to be more of a royal blue but it came very faded looking. Otherwise its super sturdy, has plenty of room for toys and the hard side of the cushions is great to use as a table when we eat. We kick our feet up on it all the time, can be used as extra seating and fits our daughters toys cleaning up the living room. I also cut the cloth handles off for a cleaner look.
Great item for the price
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. Love the item for the price. I was expecting it to be more of a royal blue but it came very faded looking. Otherwise its super sturdy, has plenty of room for toys and the hard side of the cushions is great to use as a table when we eat. We kick our feet up on it all the time, can be used as extra seating and fits our daughters toys cleaning up the living room. I also cut the cloth handles off for a cleaner look.