The kids put this together in record time with minimal swearing, so assembly was good.
It is sturdy and my son feels very secure in it at night. I am thinking about adding a bunk bed board to his mattress setup. They said a foundation was not required, but he feels it might be sturdier if he added the board. He is a very large adult male, so sturdiness is very important.
He uses the trundle part for storage, so a lot of stuff is out of the way until needed.
I liked this bed has curves and no pointy parts, so if you have an unsteady person you dont need to worry they might put their eyes out if they had a fall. Im even thinking about installing this in the craft/guest room with a pop up trundle so I can accommodate guests.
So far, so good
The kids put this together in record time with minimal swearing, so assembly was good. It is sturdy and my son feels very secure in it at night. I am thinking about adding a bunk bed board to his mattress setup. They said a foundation was not required, but he feels it might be sturdier if he added the board. He is a very large adult male, so sturdiness is very important. He uses the trundle part for storage, so a lot of stuff is out of the way until needed. I liked this bed has curves and no pointy parts, so if you have an unsteady person you dont need to worry they might put their eyes out if they had a fall. Im even thinking about installing this in the craft/guest room with a pop up trundle so I can accommodate guests.