Product was easy to assemble. I built it alone. It was a very sturdy frame, however, it is now been 7 months and the bed is starting to get extremely noisy, creaky and wobbly. I am the only person who sleeps in this bed and I am 105 pounds. I guess for the price its okay, but if you want something that will last longer I would pass on this one. Good for its value.
Good at first but short life
Product was easy to assemble. I built it alone. It was a very sturdy frame, however, it is now been 7 months and the bed is starting to get extremely noisy, creaky and wobbly. I am the only person who sleeps in this bed and I am 105 pounds. I guess for the price its okay, but if you want something that will last longer I would pass on this one. Good for its value.