Sturdy for the most part but a little wobbly when .
Sturdy for the most part but a little wobbly when my daughter moves around the bed. Railing was a bit low for my comfort level even with a 6 deep mattress as recommended. So I put up extra rails. For reference my daughter is 8 yrs old. Took about 3hrs for my husband and I to assemble. Had to use a lot of force since holes werent lining up right. Other than that my day loves it!! Overall you got what you paid for.
Sturdy for the most part but a little wobbly when .
Sturdy for the most part but a little wobbly when my daughter moves around the bed. Railing was a bit low for my comfort level even with a 6 deep mattress as recommended. So I put up extra rails. For reference my daughter is 8 yrs old. Took about 3hrs for my husband and I to assemble. Had to use a lot of force since holes werent lining up right. Other than that my day loves it!! Overall you got what you paid for.