It is reasonable sturdy (actually more so than I expected) however it does
Delivery was timely. Box was in decent shape. We began to assemble the instructions were clear enough to be able to assemble it without a major headache. The holes/hardware aligned without issues. It came together within about a 2 hour timeframe. It definitely is easier with 2 people. I cant imagine having to do it alone. We assembled each side downstairs then brought it upstairs then assembled it fully together up there in my sons room. He loves it!! It is reasonable sturdy (actually more so than I expected) however it does make some noise as he climbs on. (He only weighs about 75 lbs). I have been up there it held me fine (grown adult female 125lbs). Works great.
It is reasonable sturdy (actually more so than I expected) however it does
Delivery was timely. Box was in decent shape. We began to assemble the instructions were clear enough to be able to assemble it without a major headache. The holes/hardware aligned without issues. It came together within about a 2 hour timeframe. It definitely is easier with 2 people. I cant imagine having to do it alone. We assembled each side downstairs then brought it upstairs then assembled it fully together up there in my sons room. He loves it!! It is reasonable sturdy (actually more so than I expected) however it does make some noise as he climbs on. (He only weighs about 75 lbs). I have been up there it held me fine (grown adult female 125lbs). Works great.