I was able to assemble this on my own in about an hour. The instructions were very vague (pictures with little to no explanation), but due to context clues, I was able to figure everything out. Only real negative was that the screws and such were shrink wrapped and possibly heated because the plastic had kind of melted everything together so it took some work to get all the hardware out to use.
The final product looks and functions great, so overall, I would recommend.
Looks great, easy to assemble, vague instructions
I was able to assemble this on my own in about an hour. The instructions were very vague (pictures with little to no explanation), but due to context clues, I was able to figure everything out. Only real negative was that the screws and such were shrink wrapped and possibly heated because the plastic had kind of melted everything together so it took some work to get all the hardware out to use. The final product looks and functions great, so overall, I would recommend.