Item had major defects that made it difficult to assemble. Delivery was slow.
This piece is well made for the price but it really tested my patience assembling. one of the machined legs had the holes drilled in the wrong places. My husband had to use his drill press to drill new holes that lined up. This left two used holes that are noticeable on the legs. I would have returned it but we waited so long for it to be delivered we just said f it and put it together. I am disappointed in the quality
Item had major defects that made it difficult to assemble. Delivery was slow.
This piece is well made for the price but it really tested my patience assembling. one of the machined legs had the holes drilled in the wrong places. My husband had to use his drill press to drill new holes that lined up. This left two used holes that are noticeable on the legs. I would have returned it but we waited so long for it to be delivered we just said f it and put it together. I am disappointed in the quality