Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room! Look pretty good, although you will need to purchase white plugs to cover up the screws next to the mattress. Pretty easy to put together- took me by myself about 35 minutes from start to end. The trundle is free floating and needs constant adjustment to stay flush with the main bedframe. We chose to use the trundle to store the extra bedding when in use and not being staged as a couch/daybed.
Good for $$, quick/easy assembly
Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room! Look pretty good, although you will need to purchase white plugs to cover up the screws next to the mattress. Pretty easy to put together- took me by myself about 35 minutes from start to end. The trundle is free floating and needs constant adjustment to stay flush with the main bedframe. We chose to use the trundle to store the extra bedding when in use and not being staged as a couch/daybed.