Good quality. We bought 3 of these. The first one took forever to assemble. Only because we didnt know what we were doing and had the pieces everywhere. So when you open it try to lay it out where you can visibly see all the letters. The directions were very simple and the bubble pack with the screws was easy to open. We got these for 3 teenagers to give them extra room in their rooms and still have space for storage. It is very sturdy.
Great bed
Good quality. We bought 3 of these. The first one took forever to assemble. Only because we didnt know what we were doing and had the pieces everywhere. So when you open it try to lay it out where you can visibly see all the letters. The directions were very simple and the bubble pack with the screws was easy to open. We got these for 3 teenagers to give them extra room in their rooms and still have space for storage. It is very sturdy.