I really like the size of the storage cabinet. It fits perfectly in the corner. It was pretty easy to assemble but did take about 1.5 hrs (I cant take the credit. I got my son to do it). Its quite sturdy and has adequate storage room for me, but may not work for you if you got a lot of cans or storage bins/containers. I would definitely recommend it if you need a stand alone pantry and dont want it looking bulky and out of place. Im thinking about ordering another one to put all the appliances in. Good price.
Great smaller pantry
I really like the size of the storage cabinet. It fits perfectly in the corner. It was pretty easy to assemble but did take about 1.5 hrs (I cant take the credit. I got my son to do it). Its quite sturdy and has adequate storage room for me, but may not work for you if you got a lot of cans or storage bins/containers. I would definitely recommend it if you need a stand alone pantry and dont want it looking bulky and out of place. Im thinking about ordering another one to put all the appliances in. Good price.