Bought this for my grandaughter for her 2nd birthday she loves it. The remote control is a bonus so the parents can have control over her in the car since she is 2. She loves to open and close the doors and honk the horn. Really great quality!! We had no issues with any damaged parts or anything like a few others have mentioned in their reviews. I did purchase the warranty for it just in case there were or are any issues it was not expensive to purchase the warranty.
Grandaughter Loves it!!
Bought this for my grandaughter for her 2nd birthday she loves it. The remote control is a bonus so the parents can have control over her in the car since she is 2. She loves to open and close the doors and honk the horn. Really great quality!! We had no issues with any damaged parts or anything like a few others have mentioned in their reviews. I did purchase the warranty for it just in case there were or are any issues it was not expensive to purchase the warranty.