I purchased this style for a few reasons. The seat and back is cloth. Grandkids are no longer banging the backs into the counter as the get on and off the stool. (Old ones has metal on the backs of the seat). WIN. We have 5 year olds to 65 year olds sitting on them and its great that the height is adjustable. WIN. No more metal legs banging into the wood posts under the counter. WIN.
We love them and have had so many compliments on them. I do wish there was a way to keep them from swiveling though.
Great purchase
I purchased this style for a few reasons. The seat and back is cloth. Grandkids are no longer banging the backs into the counter as the get on and off the stool. (Old ones has metal on the backs of the seat). WIN. We have 5 year olds to 65 year olds sitting on them and its great that the height is adjustable. WIN. No more metal legs banging into the wood posts under the counter. WIN. We love them and have had so many compliments on them. I do wish there was a way to keep them from swiveling though.