The set up was easy. Initially, we were missing a part, but support was great to work with and shipped a part to us immediately. Set up was not complicated at all, which is pretty wonderful for a motor/powered desk. Its pretty sturdy, but I would prefer the desk top to be thicker. The colors of the wood and metal are exactly as described, and its very easy to maneuver. The cord holder and drawers are great add/ons that add a convenient touch. It is on the pricey side, compared to other sit/stand desks. I dont feel its a great value, but it is a good desk!
Overall, a good desk!
The set up was easy. Initially, we were missing a part, but support was great to work with and shipped a part to us immediately. Set up was not complicated at all, which is pretty wonderful for a motor/powered desk. Its pretty sturdy, but I would prefer the desk top to be thicker. The colors of the wood and metal are exactly as described, and its very easy to maneuver. The cord holder and drawers are great add/ons that add a convenient touch. It is on the pricey side, compared to other sit/stand desks. I dont feel its a great value, but it is a good desk!