It was easy to assemble, even for me got a bit of help from husband but overall if I can put it together anyone can! Love it how sturdy it is I can lay in bed for a bit with my daughter and it doesnt squeak. Its low so Id she were to roll off it wouldnt be super hard. I just love it, looks nice in her bedroom! Nice upgrade from crib to twin bed my 3 year old looks tiny in it.
Great bed!!
It was easy to assemble, even for me got a bit of help from husband but overall if I can put it together anyone can! Love it how sturdy it is I can lay in bed for a bit with my daughter and it doesnt squeak. Its low so Id she were to roll off it wouldnt be super hard. I just love it, looks nice in her bedroom! Nice upgrade from crib to twin bed my 3 year old looks tiny in it.