Well, when I started to put them together I bought 2 they insides that connected to each other were bent so they wouldnt fit flush inside so I had to use plyers to open it back up, and several scratches on both sets thats I received, they are nice and sturdy for the most part, since no box spring is needed the mattress slides so I plan to get something to secure it a little better. Low price but minor damages, not sure if i would buy again I would be returning
Not the best
Well, when I started to put them together I bought 2 they insides that connected to each other were bent so they wouldnt fit flush inside so I had to use plyers to open it back up, and several scratches on both sets thats I received, they are nice and sturdy for the most part, since no box spring is needed the mattress slides so I plan to get something to secure it a little better. Low price but minor damages, not sure if i would buy again I would be returning