Product delivered in less than 48 hours, packaged very well. Took about two hours to assemble and thats with a few oops on our side. Definitely easier with two people or someone to help hold pieces up at times. Quality seems pretty great. The paint job isnt the finest, but good enough. It seems pretty sturdy, but an assemble one time sort of furniture. Reassembly after removing screws would not be nearly as sturdy, just something to keep in mind.
I love how low it is for our 3 5yo. We took others advice and reinforced the upper bed with a piece of thin wood and also got a very thin mattress to imize the height of the rails. It all worked out great and Id definitely recommend! Especially if you have no plans to move in the near future.
Great value, love the low height
Product delivered in less than 48 hours, packaged very well. Took about two hours to assemble and thats with a few oops on our side. Definitely easier with two people or someone to help hold pieces up at times. Quality seems pretty great. The paint job isnt the finest, but good enough. It seems pretty sturdy, but an assemble one time sort of furniture. Reassembly after removing screws would not be nearly as sturdy, just something to keep in mind. I love how low it is for our 3 5yo. We took others advice and reinforced the upper bed with a piece of thin wood and also got a very thin mattress to imize the height of the rails. It all worked out great and Id definitely recommend! Especially if you have no plans to move in the near future.