First, no instructions included. When I followed the URL link that the seller provided, the instruction did not quite exactly match the product! The majority of pieces were not labeled. Of the parts that were labeled, the majority were mislabeled. The seller finally sent a replacement set of nuts and bolts since the provided package was short.
But. once finally figured out and put together, the bed is as nice as any of these crate furniture products. However, I do wonder a bit more since it is holding my child rather high off the ground. I was tempted to rate lower, but I guess at this price, comparing to the big Swedish box store stuff, it earns a 4 if Im in a holiday generous mood.
Instructions oy! But reasonably nice bed
First, no instructions included. When I followed the URL link that the seller provided, the instruction did not quite exactly match the product! The majority of pieces were not labeled. Of the parts that were labeled, the majority were mislabeled. The seller finally sent a replacement set of nuts and bolts since the provided package was short. But. once finally figured out and put together, the bed is as nice as any of these crate furniture products. However, I do wonder a bit more since it is holding my child rather high off the ground. I was tempted to rate lower, but I guess at this price, comparing to the big Swedish box store stuff, it earns a 4 if Im in a holiday generous mood.