This is just what I was looking for. Soft and comfy. Easy to assemble. My only issue is that it came with the arm cracked. I have reached out to the seller in hopes that they respond quickly and favorably. Id prefer the replacement part since Im not up to the hassle of returns. Ill say get it if y ok are thinking about it. Now I can sit on my desk for as long as possible without having to bear the pain on my back and tush. My son loves it!!
Just what I had been looking for
This is just what I was looking for. Soft and comfy. Easy to assemble. My only issue is that it came with the arm cracked. I have reached out to the seller in hopes that they respond quickly and favorably. Id prefer the replacement part since Im not up to the hassle of returns. Ill say get it if y ok are thinking about it. Now I can sit on my desk for as long as possible without having to bear the pain on my back and tush. My son loves it!!